Ahhh, the cabbage! you either love it or hate it! but the cabbage is one of the world's most ancient and remarkable vegetables and its nutritional value is indisputable. Interestingly to note is that it also has medicinal value. They say Captain Cook used it as a compress to prevent gangrene in his wounded soldiers. Nowadays, new nursing mothers are advised to line their bra cups with cabbage leaves to reduce discomfort and it is also recommended as a hangover remedy when pickled in vinegar. Others are using it to lose weight in the "cabbage soup" diet. More importantly, for those of us with Celiac Disease, it is high in Vitamins C and K, which are two of the vitamins that many Celiacs are deficient in. This makes a great side dish for any meal. I made it with the brown stew chicken in order to have a full Jamaican style dinner without the fat. If you are tight on your points, you can have this with the brown stew chicken and skip the coconut rice. It is really hearty and only 2 points for a generous portion.